
The other night I tried to open a jar that just wouldn’t budge. I tried all my tricks–knocking the edge of the cap and even stabbing it with a knife to release the pressure. Nothing worked. In fact, I tried so hard that I felt something twist in my shoulder (thank you, forties). I finally gave up and called my husband to try. I must admit I was a little pleased that he also wasn’t able to open it easily, but, eventually he was able to exert enough effort. We were rewarded with the satisfying pop of the pressure relieved within the jar.

Sometimes life feels like that. In an effort to keep things together, we put the lid on tight. Before long, the pressure within makes the lid almost impossible to remove. What starts as a method of preservation instead becomes a trap.

I have been learning that my attempts to keep myself safe often result in me being stuck. With my lid on tight, I can’t share the contents within that are meant to be shared. Instead, as in the sad case of my aforementioned jar, I could learn it has expired.

I know this is where I need help. Like Eustace trapped in the dragon body in the Narnia Chronicles, I need some divine assistance to get free. My tricks aren’t enough to get me unstuck. While I wait, though, I will not be afraid of being stuck. I will choose to trust He is coming and that He can and will handle my situation in His perfect timing.

*Written in response to Five Minute Friday Prompt

4 thoughts on “Stuck”

  1. You’re the second person to reference Eustace as a dragon this week. I’m wondering if I need to revisit Voyage of the Dawn Treader…. 😉 I love where you took this – that when we stay shut tight, what are not sharing? This is a great thought for my morning – thank you! (Your FMF neighbor.)


    1. Sounds like you definitely need to revisit that! It’s one of my favorite scenes in the Narnia Chronicles. I hesitated to use it since I didn’t have time to expand, but I hope to one day! Thanks for commenting!


  2. “What starts as a method of preservation instead becomes a trap… Like Eustace trapped in the dragon body in the Narnia Chronicles, I need some divine assistance to get free.” So much wisdom in your post. Thank you. Visiting from FMF.


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